56 South Street, Keighley BD21 1DD

Podiatry & Foot Care

Request an appointment

Fill out the form opposite with your details and we will contact you to arrange your treatment. Enter your phone or email, whichever you prefer!


If you take medications, please bring along a recent prescription. Although you might not think it, it is important for the Podiatrist to be aware of the medications you take, so she can obtain a full medical picture and provide the best treatment for you. 

Before your appointment, it is helpful but not essential to wash and thoroughly dry your feet. Many people like to bring along a fresh pair of socks for afterwards.


On your first appointment the podiatrist will take a medical history to help identify areas of concern.  You will be asked a few questions about your illnesses, past surgeries and asked about your medication, and any allergies.  Your treatment will be explained and you will be asked to give your consent to the treatment.   You will have the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns you might have.

After your treatment the podiatrist will make any recommendations for a return visit, for any necessary follow-ups or your routine ongoing care. 

Nail care and problems

Correct nail cutting and management can help to avoid painful conditions. Damaged or fungal nails can become very thick and difficult to trim. Victoria can provide professional treatment and advice to fully resolve or vastly improve a problem nail condition.

Athletes Foot

There are many types of pathogens that can live, often harmlessly, on your skin. Athletes foot is a fungal infection of the skin that can lead to intense itching, cracking blistering or peeling of certain areas of the skin, causing redness and scaling. Victoria can diagnose this uncomfortable skin condition and provide advice on effective treatments and prevention.

Ingrown Toenails & Rapid Access

This common complaint can often be prevented by adopting the appropriate nail cutting technique and practising good hygiene. Nail Cutting advice can be offered to prevent in-growing nails.  When this does occur, Ingrown nails can often be exceptionally painful and debilitating. Where possible we endeavour to offer an appointment within 24 to 48 hours. 

Skin problems

Victoria treats a range problems within the clinic. Areas of corn and callus are often very painful and can change your gait, creating additional compensatory foot problems. Treatment is usually pain-free and often gives immediate relief. Victoria is experienced in removing corns and callus and can offer a personal treatment plan to prevent recurring problems. This may include footwear advice, padding and strapping, exercises and/ or an orthotic insole prescription.

Diabetes Care

People with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing foot problems. However, with regular check-ups, treatment and the right advice, many problems can be avoided. Victoria has completed the Royal College of podiatry diabetic foot module and has been managing diabetic foot problems for over 15 years. She has worked in NHS hospitals as well as in the community, and is well equipped to carry out a full diabetic foot assessments, be it stand alone or in conjunction with any previous or on-going NHS care.

This will include checking your circulation, your sensation, the structure and function of your feet and identifying possible risk factors, as well as providing the necessary advice and treatment. An annual diabetic foot assessment requires addtitional time, and will usually be booked separately to your routine foot care treatment.


Chilblains are small patches of itchy red and sometimes purple swellings found on the skin often on the toes. They can swell, become increasingly painful, and dry out to leave painful cracks. Victoria can offer preventative advice to stop these occurring and offer help on how best to treat them.

Heel fissures/cracks

Often unsightly, thick heel callus can become dry and tough, and if left untreated can leave large open cracks, which leave the person suffering, at risk of developing infections. Podiatry treatments help you to gain control of the problem and regular up-keep can keep at bay for good. 


Verrucae are plantar warts can develop on the soles of the feet and toes. They are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which is very contagious through direct person to person contact. 

Treatment course options include a regular application of a strong acid which is contained within a specialised dressing, and cryotherapy (or freezing).  A range of differing treatments are available, and your therapist at A1 will advise on the best approach.

Elderly Care & Special Needs

Victoria is experienced at providing special care and assistance for patients with particular needs, disabilities, or medical conditions like dementia.  For many, nail care invariably becomes much more difficult as we get older, or when our mobility or co-ordination becomes impaired. In the new clinic, Victoria gives an understanding and caring approach, and can help you or a relative on or off with difficult footwear or compression socks. 

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